Thursday, August 19

I guess I should have started off with an explanation but I'm not much of  blogger. Matter of fact, I detest blogging. I think it's vain, uncredited and damaging to the truth. But what the hell, if my professors have told me for two years straight that if I want to hang on to the sinking ship that is journalism, I must get a blog out there. It all seems ridiculous to me. Despite the debate in emerging media, I don't believe in getting news (or any valuable information that is) from anyone's blog.

That being said, read mine.

There are millions of topics to talk about but the one that affects us all whether we like it or not is food. It's an interesting thing, food. We love it, we hate it. It kills us, it gives us life. There are countless people starving to death while there are numerous others with excess amounts they don't know what to do with.

I love food. Who doesn't? I could sit for hours with no company but the refrigerator. That being said, I thought I would dive a little deeper into the details of our food. What we prefer not to know, but what it is crucial that we do know. That's pretty much everything.

I'm not exactly a mindful eater. I try. I've been a vegetarian for over seven years and try my best to look at where my food came from and how that effects the bigger picture, but that doesn't mean I don't eat from major food chains or disregard the horrors to satisfy my taste buds.

I'm writing this in hopes that I will become more responsible for what I consume. If anyone actually reads this I don't expect it to change their minds, just open their eyes.

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